mariadb ketika import error gini Row size too large (> 8126) solusinya ?

Solusi Ke 1 : The error message Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline. means that the row size of a table in MySQL is larger than the maximum row size of 8126 bytes. This can happen if the table has a lot of columns, or if the columns are of a data type that takes up a lot of space, such as VARCHAR or TEXT. To fix this error, you can try the following: Change some columns to TEXT or BLOB.&nb ...

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MySQL Bin Files Memakan Banyak Space Hardisk Server

Disable MySQL binlogging If you are not replicating, you can disable binlogging by changing your my.ini or my.cnf file. Open your my.ini or /etc/my.cnf (/etc/mysql/my.cnf), enter:# vi /etc/my.cnfFind a line that reads “log_bin” and remove or comment it as follows: #log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log You also need to remove or comment following lines: #expire_logs_days = 10 #max_binlog_size = 100M Close and save the fi ...

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